출처: https://mparchive.tistory.com/214
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여기서 여러 메소드 들에서 firstChild 혹은 lastChild를 getChildAt(0)과 getChildAt(childCount -1)로 각각 호출하는 부분이 있는데, 이는 현재 RecyclerView에 실제로 붙어 있는 item들의 맨 첫 아이템, 그리고 가장 마지막 아이템을 참고하는 것임을 주의하자.
1. generateDefaultLayoutParams
RecyclerView의 각 아이템에 적용할 LayoutParams을 지정한다.
override fun generateDefaultLayoutParams(): RecyclerView.LayoutParams =
2. onLayoutChildren
Recycler에 보여줄 아이템이 1개 이상인 경우 이를 그리도록 호출되는 메소드이다.
override fun onLayoutChildren(recycler: RecyclerView.Recycler, state: RecyclerView.State) {
if (state.itemCount <= 0) return
fillBottom(recycler, state.itemCount)
3. fillBottom
최초 설정된 아이템을 그리거나, 아래로 스크롤하는 경우 아이템을 그리는 메소드.
여기서 childCount는 현재 RecyclerView에 실제로 attach된 아이템의 갯수로, RecyclerView Adapter에 설정한 아이템의 갯수와는 다르다.
private fun fillBottom(recycler: RecyclerView.Recycler, adapterItemCount: Int) {
var hardTop: Int
var softTop: Int
var startPosition: Int
if (childCount > 0) {
val lastChild = getChildAt(childCount - 1) ?: return
val lastChildPosition = getPosition(lastChild)
startPosition = lastChildPosition + 1
val lp = lastChild.layoutParams()
// If the item is solid the hard line is moved down to bottom of this view minus allowed overlap
// If not solid then the hard line is moved down to top of this item
hardTop =
if (lp.isSolid) {
getDecoratedBottom(lastChild) + lp.bottomMargin - ((lastChild.measuredHeight + lp.verticalMargin) * lp.verticalOverlay).toInt()
} else {
// Soft line is always moved to the bottom of given item
softTop = getDecoratedBottom(lastChild) + lp.bottomMargin
} else {
// If there are no attached child views then we start from the top of parent view
hardTop = parentTop + if (anchorPosition < adapterItemCount) anchorOffset else 0
softTop = parentTop + if (anchorPosition < adapterItemCount) anchorOffset else 0
startPosition = if (anchorPosition < adapterItemCount) anchorPosition else 0
val availableBottom = if (clipToPadding) parentBottom else height
for (i in startPosition until adapterItemCount) {
if (hardTop > availableBottom) break
val view = recycler.getViewForPosition(i)
val lp = view.layoutParams()
if (lp.isSolid) {
// For solid items, the top is determined as the lower one of previous item’s hard line
// or previous item’s soft line minus this view’s vertical overlap allowance
val top = max(
softTop - ((view.measuredHeight + lp.verticalMargin) * lp.verticalOverlay).toInt()
val bottom = top + view.measuredHeight + lp.verticalMargin
layoutView(view, top, bottom)
// The hard line is moved down to bottom of this view minus allowed overlap
hardTop = bottom - ((view.measuredHeight + lp.verticalMargin) * lp.verticalOverlay).toInt()
softTop = bottom
} else {
// If the item is not solid then we lay it out according to the current hard line
val top = hardTop
val bottom = top + view.measuredHeight + lp.verticalMargin
layoutView(view, top, bottom)
softTop = bottom
4. fillTop
위로 스크롤 하는 경우 아래에서 위로 아이템을 그려 나가는 메소드.
출처: https://mparchive.tistory.com/214 [My Program Archive:티스토리]
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